Tank Settings

This page features the different ways to setup tanks fro different fish. It has information on how to make livebearer breeding tanks to betta tanks and even hosue monsters like Frontosa or Flowerhorn. 

Breeding Tanks for Livebearer Fish:

To setup a breeding tank for livebearer fishes like Guppy, Molly, Platy and Swordtail this is a general setting that works quite well for each of them.

What it should have:

  1. 10/20 gallon tank
  2. A gentle filter (preferably spraybar filters not over 320F)
  3. Bushy plants (Live is best but plastic will also do)
  4. Thermometer (Keep temperatures at 25-27 degrees Celsius) 
  5. NO other fish
  6. Shades and hiding places for the mother during labour, 
  7. Leave lots of swimming places and small amount of ornaments (one hiding place is good enough)


The high water volume will allow enough space for the fry to grow healthily once they are born. Remove the father once you see that the mother is pregnant. 

Keep the flow at maximum 320F as any more force and the fry will most probably get sucked into the filter and killed.

Temperature must be constant within the given limit as all newly born living creatures are fragile at birth.

The mother will most likely attack and eat the fry after birth so some hiding places are required which is best found in plants. They also are home to algae which is food to the fry.

Other fish may harm the mother during pregnancy and fry after birth so best keep them out from breeding tanks.


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