Cleaning the tank

Probably the worst and most tiring part about aquariums is the cleaning/setting up bit but everything has its pros and cons. Follow through the instructions below or if you have a better method please enlighten us via the comments tab. Do this once you are setting your tank up for the first time or is going to change the setup.

1) Use the net to remove all the fish from the tank into a bucket or a substitute tank. Don't fill the bucket up to the brim or any more than 60% as some fish tend to jump out.
2) Remove all the stones/substrate/soil into a bucket or any container.
3) Siphon all the water away from the tank leaving it empty.
4) Wash the stones thoroughly until the you are able to see the stones after adding water and there is no pungent smell (about 4-5 washes should be enough).
5) After step 4 use warm water to rinse through the stone/substrate.
6) Fill the aquarium with some warm water about up to 1/5th of the tank.
7) Use a net-like cloth/ or any rough clothing or a toothbrush {make sure its not the one you use O_o} to clean the glass.
8.) Set you gravel filter/power filter/sponge filter/canister filter. Best if you can also add some bacteria.
9) Add the stone/substrate and decorate with any ornaments you have~live plants are good (but only if you can maintain them~not recommended for beginners).
10) If you have ornaments make sure to clean them inside out as well with a toothbrush.
11) Slowly add water~make sure not to disturb the setting(decoration).
12) Turn on your filter after step 11.
13) Age the water for at least 3 days. A week is best.
14) After the aging is over slowly add the fish giving them the time to adjust when you introduce them.
15) Turn on your lights and enjoy.


2) Keep the lights turned on for roughly 12 hours.
3) Everyday replace a mug of water from the tank. Fresh water is always good. 
4) Never remove more than 70% of your tank water.

If you do not wish to clear out and resetup the whole tank follow these steps:

  • Take out half the water, do not stir the flooring.
  • Use a rough cloth to clean the glass-NO DETERGENT OR SOAP
  • Replace the water that you removed with clean water. 
  • Repeat the process until you are satisfied.


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