Careful about fish foods. Experiment by : N.A.I.N.E

An experiment was conducted by N.A.I.N.E to see the effects of the different types of fish food in water conditions. First 2 of the most popular fish foods were added to a jar of clear distilled water and kept for 5 hours. This is what the result came as:
Both waters turned slightly blue.
Water temperature was kept at the tank average 27 degrees. A clear water jar was kept under the same conditions as a control and the experiment was repeated 3 times to end up getting the same results.
After 18 hours. The one on the right is Osaka Green
Osaka Green was also used in the same experiment in a different jar under the exact same conditions. The water in Osaka Green became slightly cloudy as the pellets sunk to the bottom, whereas the other popular foods' water turned even more blue and a sort of fungus appeared near the glass.

So as a conclusion DO NOT OVERFEED YOUR FISH as it can lead to bad water conditions even with Osaka Green as the water turns cloudy. But Osaka Green is by far the best pellet food among local fish foods.
Fungus on the left side one. Osaka Green water just cloudy on the right. After 36 hours.



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